meHi there! I’m a software engineer at work hours, a math teacher some afternoons and a mountain lover whenever I can leave it all behind (less than I’d like to btw). I currently live in Berga, a small city on the Catalonian Pyrenees. I like all the things related to new technologies, I like learning something new everyday, I absolutely love being challenged about programming and I adore getting caught in the rain.

I studied at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya where I got a bachelor degree in Informatics Engineering and a master’s degree in computing. At the same time I was part of the Moving research group specialized in modeling, visualization, interaction and virtual reality. Later we founded our little business, Alter Sport, where we develop all kind of software related to sport in addition to managing a sport center in Berga, Alter Sport Gim and one in Moià, Moià Sport.

Although I studied Informatics Engineering because I loved everything related to virtual reality and videogames I discovered, while working at the Moving research group, that I loved having input on the thought processes that defined the software we made. Unfortunately I couldn’t give much input because a lot of the projects we worked on there were already completely defined. This made the idea of founding our own business, where we could define what we made and how we made it, more attractive. After 3 years giving all I can to Alter Sport where we are developing Alter Fitness, a cloud-based suite to manage sport centers, and Move the city, a web and mobile app platform to promote healthy lifestyles of a city’s inhabitants and it’s tourism, I decided, as a new year’s resolution, that 2015 is the year I get in shape regarding rendering technologies and virtual reality again. This blog is a pet project to give feedback on the progress I’m making at doing so and a place to write down the things I’m learning every day.

And now that you know who I am and why this blog exists, take your time, give it a read and leave me a comment if you like it!

Un altre cop aquí


(Publicat originalment l’11 de Juliol del 2013)

Un altre cop aquí, on s’estripen els bitllets de tots els viatges que no hem fet, on deixo de cantar-te totes les cançons que mai t’he escrit, on s’esborren les il·lusions arrencant-nos els somriures de les nostres cares. Un altre cop aquí, on el record de totes les passes que hem caminat lluita contra la idea de que potser ens hem equivocat fent-les, on les promeses deixen de tenir validesa, on els somnis es queden només en somnis. Un altre cop aquí, on toca assimilar que no només és qüestió de voluntat, on toca assumir que s’acaben els despertars al teu costat, on toca entendre que mai veurem una altre posta de sol plegats ni esperarem abraçats a que surti el sol. Un altre cop aquí, on els camins es bifurquen i toca separar-se, un altre cop aquí, en aquest indret que tan bé em conec.

Però sé que en tornaré a marxar, que hi tornaré a passar moltes més vegades i que mai deixaré de tirar endavant i seguir caminant, buscant un lloc on veure una posta de sol i esperar abraçat a algú a que torni a sortir el sol, un lloc on despertar, un lloc on no haguem d’estripar els bitllets de cap viatge, on et canto totes les cançons que escric, on les il·lusions provoquen somriures, on els somnis no es queden només en somnis sinó que fan que la pròpia vida s’hi converteixi.

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